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Kim Eun-jeon and the exhibition 'Ilwoldo'

Ceramicist Eunjeon Kim's
solo exhibition at the Consulate General

Ceramic artist and mixed media artist Kim Eun-jeon (Centerville resident) is holding a solo exhibition at the Consulate General in Washington.

In the exhibition, which started on the 10th and will continue until the 30th of this month, a total of 9ceramic mixed media works, including 'Ilwoldo', 'Spring Scent', 'Cloud Pillar', and 'Moon Jar' are on display.

His representative work, 'Ilwoldo', is a work that adds pop art elements to the three-dimensional feeling of

the mountain, showing a woman plowing a field and seeding seedlings in contrast to the traditional court painting, Il woldo.
Kim said, “In order to express the world of creation in a more diverse way, I use ceramics and mixed media together, and I mainly work on harmonizing them in two dimensional, three-dimensional, and design ways.

The reason why I am particularly attracted to these materials is the heaviness of their nature. It is like a journey in life to visit and feel the touch of the absolute in a place that is unchanging but mysterious, embracing everything and creating order.”
She graduated from the College of Fine Arts at Hongik University, and is currently working as an advisor after serving as the president of the Washington Art Association.


2019-01-16 (Wed) Reporter Jung Young -hee

  Art in the New Normal Era’ as interpreted by 37 artists

       Group exhibition opens on the 15th at MD Ann Marie Sculpture Park & Museum

‘Manna’ by Jeongju Lee (left) ‘New World’ by Eunjeon Kim

A regular exhibition featuring 37 members of the Korean American Artists Association of Washington opens this weekend at the Mezzanine Gallery in the Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center in Solomons, Maryland.

The exhibition starts on the 15th (Friday) and continues for about three months until January 23rd next year.


Eunjeon Kim, a potter and mixed media artist, expresses what the world will be like after the pandemic and the hope that a good world can be created if we draw well, with simple geometric images, contrasting colors, and a relaxed space. (New World)

The opening reception will be held on the 15th (Fri) from 5-7pm.

Venue Mezzanine Exhibit Gallery, 13470 Dowell Rd. Solomons, MD 20688


<Reporter Jung Young-hee>

‘Celebration’ by 17 artists

MK Gallery opens on the 18th with 17 artists including  Eun-jeon Kim

MK Gallery (Kim Mi-young) in Vienna, Virginia, is holding a ‘Celebration’ exhibition featuring 17 artists.


The exhibition, which opens on the 18th (Sun) and will continue until the 20th of next month, includes Yoo Suja (sculpture), Chris Mona (printing, professor at En Aarondel University), David Gerlach (drawing), and Dan Kayim (mixed media, professor at American University), Eunhee Park (Painting), Eunjeon Kim (Mixed Media), Eunmi Jung (Jewelry, Montgomery University Professor), Hana Jo (Jewelry), Jinho Cha (Mixed Media), Jincheol Kim (Acrylic Painting, Professor, Salisbury University), Jinsoon Oh (Acrylic Painting), Jeonghye Park (Jewelry), Catherine Graves (Professor Emeritus, New York University), Mia Kim (Jewelry), Michael Selmeyer (Mixed Media, Montgomery University Professor), Myeong Erso (Jewelry), and Wonsook Kim (Drawing) will


The work exhibition is mainly decorated with a total of 50 pieces of 1 to 3 pieces by these artists. The opening reception will be held on the 18th (Sun) from 3pm to 6pm.

Place 1952 Gallows Rd. #202

Vienna, VA 22182

<Reporter Jung Young-hee>



코스타리카 물들인 한국 색채 워싱턴 한인미술가 8인 전시회

 2011-01-26 (수)

KakaoTalk_20230105_201532665 (1).jpg



워싱턴 한인 미술가 8명의 작품전이 코스타리카에서

열려 호평을 받았다.
코스타리카 수도인 산호세 국립미술관에서 지난 18일

열린 개막 리셉션에서 전시회를 주선한 권태면 코스타리카 대사 (전 워싱턴총영사)는 “이번 미술전은 예술을

소통의 도구로 삼아 한국과 코스타리카의 상호 이해를 기반으로 양국 관계를 강화해 나가고자 하는데 의미가 있다”고 말했다.
마누엘 오브레곤 코스타리카 문화부 장관은 “전시회는 한국 문화에 다가가는 특별한 방식이며 멋진 나라 한국으로의 여행이다”라고 축사했다.
‘미주 한인미술가들의 색채’라는 주제 아래 코스타리카 산호세 소재 국립 아트 뮤지엄에서 18일부터 22일까지 닷새간 열린 전시회에는 윤경님·정선희·신인순·신선숙·김영실 ·김은전·정운용·오경숙씨가 참가했다.

작품전에서 작가들은 유화, 도예, 서예, 콜라쥬 등 근작 20여점을 선보였다.
전시 후 정선희, 김은전, 오경숙씨는 뮤지엄에 자신들의

출품작을 기증했다.

도예가 김영실씨와 정운용씨, 서양화가 윤경님씨도 올해 신축될 한국대사관 ‘한국실‘에 자신들의 작품들을 기증했다.
작품전은 현지 신문인 ‘아바니코(Abanico)’와 ‘라 리퍼블리카(La Republica)’에 ‘한국 미술전으로 돈독해진 양국

관계 ‘한국이 다가 온다’라는 제목으로 1면을 장식하기도 했다.

<정영희 기자>

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